Monday 10 March 2025


The sixth General mountaineering course of the Iran nature friends club

The sixth general mountaineering course of the Iran nature friends club was held in the District 5 of Tehran city. The course was for municipality staff hosted by the municipality of District 5 of Tehran with the cooperation of the municipality of Tehran city and the support of the embassy of Austria.

These courses, which are in the field of international activities of the Sports organization, are held to achieve the main goals of the Iran nature friends club such as:

  1. Natural environment preservation
  2. Maintaining general health state of inactive societies
  3. Providing a platform for the right experience of societies presence in nature
  4. Developing sustainable tourism

This course was started with the presence of deputy of District 5 municipality mayor, Mr. Hamid Bayat, the head of Saraye Mahalleh Department in Northern Shahran zone, Mrs. Zahra Rahimi, deputy of cultural-social affairs of Tehran municipality, Mr. Mashhadiyari, and the CEO of Iran nature-friends club, Mr. Mahmood Hashemi hosted by the District 5 of Tehran city.

At the beginning of the course, the video message of the ambassador of Austria in Iran, Mr. Stephan Schultz, The head of Nature Friends association of Austria, Mr. Guente Abraham, and the head of the mountaineering federation, Mr. Zare’i was played for the audience.

International Nature-Friends club with 40 countries as its members and 125 years of experience is one of the greatest sports and cultural clubs in the world and Iran has joined this club since 2017.

This club has started its activities as Iran nature-friends club and is continuing its activities in the fields of developing sustainable tourism, standardization, and inclusive educational programs related to eco-tourism and mountaineering. In line with these goals, the Iran nature-friends club has started its cooperation with Tehran municipality to educate 800 employees weekly.

Living the nature, creating active and positive recreations among societies, and reducing the gap between people and nature are the most important goals of this club.

General informing about the destructive effects of urban life, filling the gap between people and nature by education, and general informing based on regional ecosystems, are the most important philosophy of this club. A hard strive to take to start inviting people to enjoy and protect nature.

Iran nature-friends club has been chosen as the first country that has joined international nature friend in Asia.

The missions of this club, which tries to achieve its goals in the most favorable way, are inclusive information and education besides living the nature in the approaches of maintaining natural and cultural heritage in societies for all humans and sustainable tourism.

We hope that these provided educational projects result in an increase in public knowledge and encourage societies to play their role in eco-tourism.

Educational presented topics in the sixth course of nature-friends:

Leadership in the group- Nature hazards

Natural environment preservation- Sports and entertainment

Photography in nature

Nature and mountains geography

The knowledge of practicing and Physiology in nature

Health indicators of elders

Nutrition in nature

Personal health care in mountains

The topics were educated in 12 hours by the masters of this field.

Theoretical masters:

Mr. Farid roushanaee, nature-based photographer

Mr. Arash Iravani, eco-tour guide

Dr. Mehdi Sedaghat, Ph.D. of physical education and sports science

Dr. Khojasteh, nutrition expert

The first day of the sixth course on 14th February 14-20:

On the first day of the sixth “general mountaineering and eco-tourism” course, Educational topics including Leadership in the group, Nature hazards, natural Environment preservation, Sports and recreation, Photography in nature, and Nature and mountains geography were taught.

The second day of the sixth course on 15th February 14-20:

On the second day of the course, the knowledge of practicing and Physiology in nature, Health indicators of elders, Nutrition in nature, and Personal health care in mountains were taught.

The third day of the sixth course on 16th February 14-18:

The third session of the course was held as a general group mountaineering to educate the process of correct ascending in the Latmal mountainous region which is located west of Tehran.

It was held with the presence of the social deputy, Mr. Adab, deputy director of Men’s Sports in Sports Organization, Mr. Soleymani, and 138 participants.

The participants trekked almost 6km distance (12km in general) up to the Latmal peak (2400m) and descended. This ascend lasted about 4 hours (2.5 hours ascending and 1.5 hours descending)